Small Steps for Big Impact: Anti-Racism Resources
July 28, 20
We are excited to make available resources from our live event in collaboration with @diversify.vanlife and facilitated by @denishaspeaks. This workshop illuminates the ways racial bias and racism impact us all and discusses ways we can disrupt harmful norms and elevate authentic inclusion in our daily lives.
Below, you can access the full video recording of the workshop and a PDF summary of the education and resources presented.
Full Video of Workshop (1.5 hrs)
Download PDF
WHY do we need to have this conversation?
"Racism is a global phenomenon, not just an American issue. There is a larger picture of global racial oppression that we must be more aware of in order to best participate in an increasingly globalized conversation around anti-racism. Differences have become disparities. The crises happening in the U.S. and across the world have only made those social disparities - and the structural discrimination they are rooted in - more apparent."
And if you can't get to the reading or video right now, at the very least check out:
6 Steps Everyone Can Take to Be Anti-Racist
Educate yourself on racism, its history, how it functions in your life and in the lives of others
On your relationship with racism.
How you have participated in these systems in the past and what the conditions were that made that possible
Take them! Challenge racism where you come across it, not just within your comfort zone
Accept that you’re going to get it wrong and that rejection may be a part of that process
Building authentic relationships is essential for continued progress
About the Author/Facilitator of the workshop:
Denisha "Neena" Jenkins (Pronouns: She/Her/Hers) is an Equity and Inclusion Consultant, Speaker & Anti-Racism Educator based in Austin, Texas. For the last 13 years, she has been dismantling oppressive systems and elevating justice in the private and public sector.
She is an avid traveler and entrepreneur that leverages her interdisciplinary training and lived experiences to help people unlearn and disrupt the bias that hinder authentic inclusion. Denisha is on a mission to restore humanity - one leader, one community, and one encounter at a time.
Words from Noami from @irietoaurora and founder of @Diversify.VanLife
(Pronouns: She/Her/Hers)
“In my 4 years as a nomad, I’ve seen a clear lack of representation of BIPOC and other marginalized groups in the nomadic community. This made it very difficult for me as a Black woman to navigate these spaces, where my voice and my experiences were not represented in the overall narrative. And I knew that I wasn’t alone. So when I started Diversify Vanlife nine months ago, it was out of a desperate need to find community that I could relate to, and create a space where other BIPOC could feel encouraged to pursue this lifestyle. We demand representation, not tokenism.Things are slowly changing as more BIPOC are pursuing nomadic lifestyles, so how do we create true inclusivity? True inclusion takes work.”
For more resources and conversation, follow @LifeStraw, @DenishaSpeaks, @Diversify.VanLife, and @IrietoAurora